The Good, The BAD, and the RegenPRP…


This year at BAD saw our biggest and best products grace the stage. The response we had over the three days was incredible and a big thankyou from all of us at the Schuco team.

The products that were making the most heads turn were the DermLite range, the Nescens products, the Schcuo Cryospray, SKINTELL, and the very well received RegenPRP. Workshops have been opening up around the country led by the Schuco team and Dr. Terry Loong. The places are limited to please contact us at to make sure your place is secured.

There was never a slow moment at BAD. Our stand wasn’t the most glamourous but the hard work of the Schuco team, coupled with the in-show offers, the stand was never empty from morning until night. If you missed out on these offers, there is always next year.

Once again, to all the attending, thankyou for your support and taking the time to join us on the stand and spare a few minutes with us. Its becaus of you that BAD for us was a resounding success. Any orders that were made have now been processed and many of you will have been contacted. There are a large amount of orders to dispatch so please be slighty more patient than usual when expecting a delivery.

Thankyou all and see you soon.





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